Driving and operating 155Diesel engine: turn the key to position2 for preheating until controlindicator ! extinguishes.Turn the key briefly to position 3 andrelease: an automatic procedureoperates the starter with a short delayas long as the engine is running, seeAutomatic Starter Control.Before restarting or to switch off theengine, turn the key back to position0.During an Autostop, the engine canbe started by depressing the clutchpedal.Starting the vehicle at lowtemperaturesThe start of the engine withoutadditional heaters is possible down to-25 °С for diesel engines and -30 °Cfor petrol engines. Required is anengine oil with the correct viscosity,the correct fuel, performed servicesand a sufficiently charged battery.With temperatures below -30 °C theautomatic transmission need awarming phase of approx. 5 minutes.The selector lever must be in positionP.Automatic Starter ControlThis function controls the enginestarting procedure. The driver doesnot have to hold the key in position 3.Once applied, the system will go onstarting automatically until the engineis running. Because of the checkingprocedure, the engine starts runningafter a short delay.Possible reasons for a non-startingengine:■ Clutch pedal not operated (manualtransmission)■ Brake pedal not operated orselector lever not in P or N(automatic transmission)■ Timeout occurredTurbo engine warm-upUpon start-up, engine availabletorque may be limited for a short time,especially when the enginetemperature is cold. The limitation isto allow the lubrication system to fullyprotect the engine.Overrun cut-offThe fuel supply is automatically cut offduring overrun, i.e. when the vehicleis driven with a gear engaged butaccelerator is released.