Vehicle care 2439 WarningIf the pressure is too low, this canresult in considerable tyre warm-up and internal damage, leading totread separation and even to tyreblow-out at high speeds.If the tyre pressure must be reducedor increased on a vehicle with tyrepressure monitoring system, switchoff ignition. After adjusting tyrepressure, switch on ignition andselect the appropriate setting on thepage Tyre load in the DriverInformation Centre, 3 114.Tyre pressure monitoringsystemThe tyre pressure monitoring systemchecks the pressure of all four wheelsonce a minute when vehicle speedexceeds a certain limit.CautionTyre pressure monitoring systemwarns only about low tyre pressurecondition and does not replaceregular tyre maintenance by thedriver.All wheels must be equipped withpressure sensors and the tyres musthave the prescribed pressure.NoteIn countries where the tyre pressuremonitoring system is legallyrequired, the use of wheels withoutpressure sensors will invalidate thevehicle type approval.The current tyre pressures can beshown in the Vehicle InformationMenu in the Driver InformationCentre.The menu can be selected by thebuttons on the turn signal lever.Press the MENU button to select theVehicle Information Menu X.