Driving and operating 195Special conditions apply if thereare taller vehicles involved (e.g.off-road vehicles, mini vans,vans). Object identification in theupper part of these vehiclescannot be guaranteed.Objects with a very small reflectioncross section, like objects ofnarrow size or soft materials, maynot be detected by the system.Parking assist will not detectobjects out of the detection range.NoteThe parking assist systemautomatically detects factory-fittedtowing equipment. It is deactivatedwhen the connector is plugged in.It is possible that the sensor detectsa non-existing object (echodisturbance) caused by externalacoustical or mechanicdisturbances.Advanced parking assist systemmay not respond to changes in theparking space after initiating aparallel parking manoeuvre.NoteBefore using the advanced parkingassist the first time, the vehicle hasto be driven at least for 25 miles tocalibrate the system automatically.Side blind spot alertThe side blind spot alert systemdetects and reports objects on eitherside of the vehicle, within a specified"blind spot" zone. The system alertsvisually in each exterior mirror, whendetecting objects that may not bevisible in the interior and exteriormirrors.The system's sensors are located inthe bumper on the left and right sideof the vehicle.9 WarningSide blind spot alert does notreplace driver vision.The system does not detect:■ Vehicles outside the side blindzones which may be rapidlyapproaching.■ Pedestrians, cyclists or animals.Before changing a lane, alwayscheck all mirrors, look over theshoulder and use the turn signal.When the system detects a vehicle inthe side blind zone while drivingforward, either while passing avehicle or being passed, an amberwarning symbol B will illuminate inthe relevant exterior mirror. If thedriver then activates the turn signal,the warning symbol B starts flashingamber as a warning not to changelanes.