Vehicle care 223The brake fluid level must be betweenthe MIN and MAX marks.If fluid level is below MIN seek theassistance of a workshop.Brake and clutch fluid 3 264.Vehicle batteryVehicles without stop-start systemwill be equipped with a lead acidbattery. Vehicles with stop-startsystem will be equipped with anAGM battery which is not a lead acidbattery.The vehicle battery is maintenance-free, provided that the driving profileallows sufficient charging of thebattery. Short-distance-driving andfrequent engine starts can dischargethe battery. Avoid the use ofunnecessary electrical consumers.Batteries do not belong in householdwaste. They must be disposed of atan appropriate recycling collectionpoint.Laying up the vehicle for more than4 weeks can lead to batterydischarge. Disconnect the clamp fromthe negative terminal of the vehiclebattery.Ensure the ignition is switched offbefore connecting or disconnectingthe vehicle battery.The anti-theft alarm siren must bedeactivated as follows: Switch theignition on then off, disconnect thevehicle's battery within 15 seconds.Vehicle battery discharge protection3 143.Replacing the vehicle batteryNoteAny deviation from the instructionsgiven in this section may lead totemporary deactivation of the stop-start system.When the vehicle battery is beingreplaced, please ensure that thereare no open ventilation holes in thevicinity of the positive terminal. If aventilation hole is open in this area, itmust be closed off with a dummy cap,and the ventilation in the vicinity of thenegative terminal must be opened.Only use vehicle batteries that allowthe fuse box to be mounted above thevehicle battery.In vehicles with stop-start system, besure to have the AGM (AbsorptiveGlass Mat) battery replaced with anAGM battery again.