186 Driving and operatingDeactivationThe system can be deactivated.Press button V repeatedly until thefollowing message appears in theDriver Information Centre.General information for bothvariants of forward collision alert9 WarningForward collision alert is just awarning system and does notapply the brakes. Whenapproaching a vehicle ahead toorapidly, it may not provide youenough time to avoid a collision.The driver accepts fullresponsibility for the appropriatefollowing distance based on traffic,weather and visibility conditions.The complete attention of thedriver is always required whiledriving. The driver must always beready to take action and apply thebrakes.System limitationsThe system is designed to warn onlyfor vehicles, but may react also onother metallic objects.In the following cases, forwardcollision alert may not detect a vehicleahead or sensor performance islimited:■ on winding roads,■ when weather limits visibility, suchas fog, rain, or snow,■ when the sensor is blocked bysnow, ice, slush, mud, dirt, orwindscreen damage.Following distanceindicationThe following distance indicationdisplays the distance to a precedingmoving vehicle. The system uses,depending on the vehicle equipment,either the radar behind the radiatorgrille or the front camera in thewindscreen to detect the distance ofa vehicle directly ahead in your lane.It is active at speeds above 25 mph.When a preceding vehicle is detectedahead, the distance is indicated inseconds, displayed on a page in theDriver Information Centre 3 114.Press the MENU button on the turnsignal lever to select VehicleInformation Menu X and turn theadjuster wheel to choose followingdistance indication page.