143 Product descriptionVEGAPULS 63 • Modbus and Levelmaster protocol41364-EN-170711With an instrument weight of more than 18 kg (39.68 lbs) suitable andapproved equipment must be used for lifting and carrying.3.4 Accessories and replacement partsThe display and adjustment module PLICSCOM is used for measuredvalue indication, adjustment and diagnosis. It can be inserted into thesensor and removed at any time.The integrated Bluetooth module (optional) enables wireless adjust-ment via standard adjustment devices:1)• Smartphone/tablet (iOS or Android operating system)• PC/notebook with Bluetooth USB adapter (Windows operatingsystem)You can find further information in the operating instructions "Displayand adjustment module PLICSCOM" (Document-ID 27835).The interface adapter VEGACONNECT enables the connection ofcommunication-capable instruments to the USB interface of a PC. Forparameter adjustment of these instruments, the adjustment softwarePACTware with VEGA-DTM is required.You can find further information in the operating instructions "Interfaceadapter VEGACONNECT" (Document-ID 32628).The protective cover protects the sensor housing against soiling andintense heat from solar radiation.You will find additional information in the supplementary instructionsmanual "Protective cover" (Document-ID 34296).Screwed flanges are available in different versions according to thefollowing standards: DIN 2501, EN 1092-1, BS 10, ASME B 16.5,JIS B 2210-1984, GOST 12821-80.You can find additional information in the supplementary instructionsmanual "Flanges according to DIN-EN-ASME-JIS".Electronics module "VEGAPULS series 60" is a replacement part forradar sensors of VEGAPULS series 60. A different version is availablefor each type of signal output.You can find further information in the operating instructions "Elec-tronics module VEGAPULS series 60" (Document-ID 36801).The supplementary electronics is a replacement part for sensors withsignal output Modbus.You can find further information in the operating instructions "Supple-mentary electronics for Modbus" (Document-ID 41864).The antenna impedance cone is a replacement part used for optimumtransmission of microwaves and for sealing against the process.You find further information in the operating instructions "Antennaimpedance cone VEGAPULS 62 and 68" (Document-ID 31381).Lifting and carryingPLICSCOMVEGACONNECTProtective coverFlangesElectronics moduleSupplementary electron-ics for ModbusAntenna impedance cone1) Bluetooth function with VEGADIS 82 can only be used at a later date.