9011 SupplementVEGAPULS 63 • Modbus and Levelmaster protocol41364-EN-17071111.6 Configuration of typical Modbus hostsFisher ROC 809Wiring plan++power supplyMODBUSD0D1IS GNDUSBBCOMZYA(Rx/Tx -)(Rx/Tx +)1231 3 4 52 off on( )( )(-)(-)+8 +30 VdctoGNDFig. 50: Connection of VEGAPULS 63 to RTU Fisher ROC 8091 VEGAPULS 632 RTU Fisher ROC 8093 Voltage supplyParameterParameter ValueBaud Rate 9600Floating Point Format Code 0RTU Data Type Conversion Code 66Input Register Base Number 0The basic number of the input registers is always added to the input register address of VEGAPULS63.Address 1300 must hence be entered as register address for RTU Fisher ROC 809.