8611 SupplementVEGAPULS 63 • Modbus and Levelmaster protocol41364-EN-170711Response:Parameter Length Code/DataFunction Code 1 Byte 0x2BMEI Type 1 Byte 0x0ERead Device ID Code 1 Byte 0x01 to 0x04Confirmity Level 1 Byte 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x81, 0x82, 0x83More follows 1 Byte 00/FFNext Object ID 1 Byte Object ID numberNumber of Objects 1 ByteList of Object ID 1 ByteList of Object length 1 ByteList of Object value 1 Byte Depending on the Object ID11.5 Levelmaster commandsThe VEGAPULS 63 is also suitable for connection to the following RTUs with Levelmaster protocol.The Levelmaster protocol is often called "Siemens" "Tank protocol".RTU ProtocolABB Totalflow LevelmasterKimray DACC 2000/3000 LevelmasterThermo Electron Autopilot LevelmasterParameters for the bus communicationThe VEGAPULS 63 is preset with the default values:Parameter Configurable Values Default ValueBaud Rate 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200 9600Start Bits 1 1Data Bits 7, 8 8Parity None, Odd, Even NoneStop Bits 1, 2 1Address range Levelmaster 32 32The Levelmaster commands are based on the following syntax:• Capital letters are at the beginning of certain data fields• Small letters stand for data fields• All commands are terminated with "" (carriage return)• All commands start with "Uuu", whereby "uu" stands for the address (00-31)• "*" can be used as a joker for any position in the address. The sensor always converts this inits address. In case of more than one sensor, the joker must not be used, because otherwiseseveral slaves will answer• Commands that modify the instrument return the command with "OK“. "EE-ERROR" replaces"OK" if there was a problem changing the configuration