154 MountingVEGAPULS 63 • Modbus and Levelmaster protocol41364-EN-1707114 Mounting4.1 General instructionsOn instruments with threaded process fitting, the hexagon must betightened with a suitable wrench. For the proper wrench size seechapter "Dimensions".Warning:The housing must not be used to screw the instrument in! Applyingtightening force can damage internal parts of the housing.Protect your instrument against moisture ingress through the followingmeasures:• Use the recommended cable (see chapter "Connecting to powersupply")• Tighten the cable gland• When mounting horizontally, turn the housing so that the cablegland points downward• Loop the connection cable downward in front of the cable glandThis applies mainly to outdoor installations, in areas where highhumidity is expected (e.g. through cleaning processes) and on cooledor heated vessels.To maintain the housing protection, make sure that the housing lid isclosed during operation and locked, if necessary.Make sure that the degree of contamination specified in chapter"Technical data" meets the existing ambient conditions.Make sure before mounting that all parts of the instrument exposed tothe process are suitable for the existing process conditions.These are mainly:• Active measuring component• Process fitting• Process sealProcess conditions in particular are:• Process pressure• Process temperature• Chemical properties of the medium• Abrasion and mechanical influencesYou can find detailed information on the process conditions in chapter"Technical data" as well as on the type label.The instrument is suitable for standard and extended ambient condi-tions acc. to DIN/EN/IEC/ANSI/ISA/UL/CSA 61010-1.Metric threadsIn the case of instrument housings with metric thread, the cableglands are screwed in at the factory. They are sealed with plasticplugs as transport protection.Screwing inProtection against mois-tureSuitability for the processconditionsSuitability for the ambientconditionsCable glands