WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 Function Description 39750-632 Proportional Valve ModuleManualVersion 1.3.0, valid from FW/HW-Version 01/015.3.3 “Tip Mode”The “Tip mode” function is a variant of the “Jog mode” function. In this case, thechange in current is not controlled by level. At a rising edge, the current isincreased or decreased for a parameterizable time period.In this operating mode, the I/O module changes the control value by a fixedamount, independent from the duration of the applied signal. For example, a driveruns for a previously defined time in a fixed direction, and then stops, regardlessof how long a corresponding button is activated.Figure 12: Tip ModeTable 25: Tip ModeNo. Event Description/Behavior1 Set SPL_EN to “0” “Jog mode” is activated.2 Present current level is maintained.3 Set JOG_POS to “1” Present current level is increased for the time Tparameterized in PH_TIP_TIME.4 Set JOG_NEG to “1” Present current level is reduced for the time Tparameterized in PH_TIP_TIME.5 Set JOG_POS to “1”Set JOG_NEG to “1” Present current level is maintained.Do not exceed minimum or maximum values!As soon as the control value ±100 % has been achieved, no other change occurs.