55Maintenance Instructions CLEANINGIMPORTANT: Prior to removing the safety filter,make sure the inside surface of the air cleanercanister is clean. This will minimize the risk ofdirt entering the outlet tube which can cause premature engine wear.7. After removing the safety filter, use a clean,damp cloth and wipe the interior of the air cleaner canister clean. Use special care to cleanboth the inside and outside surfaces of theoutlet tube.IMPORTANT: Any dust left on the inside of theoutlet tube will go into the engine and causewear.8. Check the outside surface of the outlet tube forsmoothness and cleanness (this is the sealingsurface).9. Insert and seat the safety filter and primary filterel ement carefully into the canister, applyingpres sure at the outer rim of the filter; not at theflexible center. Make sure the filter element iscompletely in place before installing the cover.NOTE: DO NOT use petroleum based lubricants on the sealing surfaces of the filters; usetalcum powder or dry silicone lubricants if required for filter installation.PrimaryFilter ElementRadial SealingSurfaceCanisterSafety FilterOutletTubeAir Filter Element Replacement10. Install the cover with the word “DOWN” properly oriented to the bottom of the canister. Twistthe OptiAir™ cover to the right and put into the“closed” position.3DOWN2Mono LatchTwist Lock™Dust EjectionValveOrient to Bottomof CanisterProper Orientation of Air Cleaner Cover11. Check the air intake hose for cuts, nicks, cracks,etc., and the hose clamps for tightness.12. Reset the air filter restriction gauge (press button on the end of the indicator).Engine Cooling SystemCooling Air Intake ScreenTo prevent engine overheating and possible enginedamage, clean grass clippings, chaff, and dirt fromthe rotating engine cooling air intake screen afterevery 8 hours of operation. In certain mowingconditions (dry grass, leaves, tree “cotton”, etc.), itmay be necessary to check and clean the screenseveral times each day to prevent engine overheating. Also, visually check inside cylinder headshroud and between cylinder head fins for materialpacked in this area which would prevent coolingairflow; remove shroud and clean as required.CAUTIONOperating the engine with a blocked airintake screen, dirty or plugged coolingfins, and/or cooling shrouds removed willcause engine damage from overheating.