62Maintenance Instructions CHECKING/SERVICINGTransmission Control SettingOn a yearly interval or when an outofadjustmentcondition is observed, check the transmission control for proper function as follows:Neutral-ParkWith the mower parked on level ground, start andrun the engine, first at idle and then normal operating speeds. With the FSC in the NEUTRAL-PARKposition, there should be no movement of eitherdrive tire. If the tire(s) are “creeping” forward or reverse, refer to ADJUSTMENTS for the NeutralFunction Adjustment - Step 3 in this section.Straight Ground TrackingCheck for straight ground track by driving on asmooth, level surface with hands off the steering levers. Set the FSC at different speeds and observeif the mower moves in a straight line (use a cementjoint or other line on the ground for reference). If themachine is drifting to the right or left, refer toADJUSTMENTS for Straight Tracking Adjustment -Step 5 in this section.Blade Brake ActionWARNINGIt is important to check and maintain bladebrake action for safe operation of the ma-chine.Check the function of the cutter blade brake by engaging the blade clutch (PTO), operating the engineat full throttle, then disengaging the clutch and measuring how quickly the blades stop. Watch the rotation of the blade drive shaft as a visual indication thatmovement has stopped. If the brake is workingproperly, all rotation will stop five (5) secondsafter disengagement of the clutch. If the brake system malfunctions—blades do not stop in five (5) seconds—adjust or repair the brake before operatingthe mower. Refer to ADJUSTMENTS for ClutchDisengagement/Brake Action, Step 2 - Blade BrakeBand Adjustment on page 76.PTO U-JointsThe PTO Ujoints should be inspected yearly forlooseness and wear. If either is noticed, the respective shaft or tube should be replaced. A worn Ujointcan cause vibration and extensive damage to thePTO and the whole machine.Safety Switch SystemWARNINGIt is important to check and maintain thesafety switch system for safe operation ofthe machine.There are four (4) safety interlock switches on thetractor: Seat Switch, FSC NeutralPark Switch, PTOSwitch, and Parking Brake Switch.NOTE: There is a 1/2 second time delay function onthe seat switch to avoid engine power interruptionwhen driving over bumps.If any of the following conditions occur during starting or operating, a safety interlock switch may bemalfunctioning. Contact your Walker dealer for troubleshooting and/or replacement.● With or without an operator in the seat, theengine starts with the Forward Speed Control(FSC) and/or the PTO engaged, or the parkingbrake disengaged.● With an operator in the seat and the parkingbrake engaged, the engine starts but dies soonafter the parking brake is disengaged and theForward Speed Control (FSC) or PTO is engaged.● Without an operator in the seat, the enginestarts and continues to run with the ForwardSpeed Control (FSC) and/or PTO engaged, orthe parking brake disengaged.● With an operator in the seat, the Forward SpeedControl (FSC) and PTO disengaged, the parkingbrake engaged, and Oil Pressure Warning Hornsounding, but the starter will not engage.