Notice Date Page01201055 INSTRUCTIONHANDBOOK0999 43 11 11. MachineoperationPress SELECT.47784779SERVICE PROGRAMMAKE A CHOICE :RESET SCALE TO ZERORESET TARE TO ZEROTARE SCALESET TARE TO A CERTAIN VALUEREAD TARE VALUECALIBRATE THE SCALERESET SCALE TO ZERORESET TARE TO ZEROTARE SCALESET TARE TO A CERTAIN VALUEREAD TARE VALUEREAD VERSION NUMBEREXITCALIBRATE THE SCALEZERO CALIBRATIONSCALE ADJUSTMENTSDONE !PRESS SELECTRESET SCALE TO ZEROCheck that "RESET SCALETO ZERO" is highlighted.If it isn't...Press ñ or ò as required tohighlight "RESET SCALE TOZERO".This screen shows that theweighing equipment has beenreset to zero.Press SELECT.Reset scale to zero (for machines with weighing equipment installed only)Reset scale to zeroReset weighing equipment” is used to make theweighing equipment display 0 when the machine hasno load in it.If your attempt to reset the weighing equipment fails atthis point, you will see an error message equivalent to :"FAILED. PRESS SELECT" on the display. Fortroubleshooting, see the section "Fault-finding,weighing equipment" in the machine manual.Please note :The machine must be unladen when you use thisfunction, i.e. no water or wash load in the drum.Please note :After a power-cut, the weighing equipment will alwaysdisplay 0, no matter what the actual load in the drum.In this event you will have to use the "Reset scale tozero" function.