CHAPTER 1: A Tour of the WatchGuard Firebox Vclass Security Appliances4 Vcontroller 3.2• One APC-manufactured appliance-to-UPS device cable• One 6-foot console RJ-45-to-RJ 45 serial cable and DB-9 adapter• A kit containing rack-mounting hardware for this appliance• A CD containing the WatchGuard Vcontroller application softwarefor use with three different operating systems: Windows 9x/2000/XP,Sun Solaris, and Linux. The CD also provides electronic versions ofthe complete user guide documentation, including this InstallationGuide, a System Administration Guide, a Policy Configuration Guide andthe CLI Guide.• Rack-mounting hardware has been included in this WatchGuardFirebox package. If you are mounting the appliance in a rack, pleasenote that the Firebox V100 is also 1 U high.After unpacking the security applianceOnce you have unpacked the contents of the Firebox Vclass securityappliance package, you may want to take a quick look at the front andback of the appliance itself to acquaint yourself with all the features. Theremainder of this chapter offers model-specific descriptions of theexternal features, which you can review by turning to one of the followingpages:• Key features of the Firebox V10 appliances page 5• Key features of the Firebox V60 and V80 appliances page 8• Key features of the Firebox V100 appliance page 12• Connecting to a Uninterruptable Power Supply (UPS) device page Page 4 Friday, June 7, 2002 1:10 PM