CHAPTER 7: Using Account Manager156 Vcontrollerexternal access, you can then use Vcontroller to remotelymanage the appliance.Account Access ConflictsIf you create several super admin access accounts, remem-ber that Firebox Vclass appliances allow only one superadmin account to connect at any time with full administra-tive privileges. If another non-root super admin accountuser attempts to log in after a root super admin user hasalready logged in, the second user is granted access to thesystem, but with admin privileges only.If someone logs in as a super admin user and a second per-son then attempts to log in as the default super admin, thesecond person is given the option of killing (logging out)the first non-default super admin user and taking over fullsuper admin privileges.Any number of non-super admin access accounts, whichcan only be used to check status and clear new alarms, canlog in at the same time.If you attempt to log in as a secondary admin user and theroot super admin account is already in use, a warning win-dow appears.You can still click OK to complete the login, but whenVcontroller appears, you do not have any super adminprivileges.Resolving login conflictsYou can, on occasion, try to log in as the default superadmin, and see the Kill Login dialog box: