CHAPTER 4: Firebox Vclass Basics64 VcontrollerThe Vcontroller Main PageThis section describes the buttons displayed in Vcontroller.Activities column buttonsThe Activities column contains a series of buttons that,when clicked, provide dialog boxes that update you onsystem activities. This includes outstanding alarms, recentevents, and the current status of the appliance. You canalso open a dialog box that displays system logs andanother dialog box with a set of useful diagnostic tools.AlarmClick this button to open the Alarm Managerwindow, in which you can define a set of alarmsthat trigger when system or policy thresholds areexceeded. This window also allows you to viewnewly triggered alarms, diagnose alarmconditions, and clear resolved alarms. For moreinformation, see “Using Alarm Manager” onpage 351.MonitorClick this button to open the Real-time Monitorwindow, which provides a detailed view of thesecurity appliance activities. You can use existingprobes, or create your own, to measure systemactivity as well as to gauge data and policy usage.For more information, see “Monitoring the FireboxVclass” on page 363.Log ManagerClick this button to open the Log Managerwindow, which enables you to activate log filesthat record certain types and levels of systemactivity. You can also use this window to view aparticular log, and then archive your logs as textfiles for future reference. For more information, see“Using Log Manager” on page 379.