S ETTING UP THE F IERY EXP4110 FROM A NETWORK COMPUTER 64ProtocolsYou can change AppleTalk, IPX/SPX, and TCP/IP protocol settings for the Fiery EXP4110.When you click the Modify or Advanced button next to the setting, the system Windows XPcontrol panel (Local Area Connection Properties) opens, where you complete the settings.By default, the AppleTalk, IPX/SPX, and TCP/IP protocols are installed and enabled.TO CHANGE PROTOCOL SETTINGS FROM LOCAL SETUP1 Click Modify or Advanced next to the setting.The Local Area Connection Properties control panel opens.2 Click the General tab.3 Select the protocol that you want to modify.Unless you have installed additional protocols, the choices are Efi Appletalk driver (forAppleTalk), NWLink IPX/SPX/NetBIOS Compatible Transport Protocol (for IPX/SPX),and Internet Protocol (for TCP/IP).4 Click Properties and make your selections.N OTE : For more information, see the documentation that accompanies Windows.5 Click OK to close the Properties dialog box.6 Click OK to close the Local Area Connection Properties control panel.AppleTalkThe current AppleTalk zone is displayed.IPX/SPXUse this option to specify IPX/SPX frame types.The Fiery EXP4110 supports the following Ethernet frame types for IPX/SPX:Ethernet 802.2, Ethernet 802.3, Ethernet II, and Ethernet SNAP. You can also configure theFiery EXP4110 to select the frame type automatically.TCP/IPSpecify TCP/IP settings. The current settings for IP address, subnet mask, and defaultgateway address are displayed. For information about setting up printing with TCP/IP, see“Network server setup requirements” on page 12.The Fiery EXP4110 requires a unique, valid IP address. You can set a static address or specifythat the Fiery EXP4110 obtains the IP addresses automatically.N OTE : If you specify the DHCP or BOOTP protocol, the Fiery EXP4110 restarts when yousave your changes and exit Setup. Before printing a Configuration page or proceeding withany other operations, allow the Fiery EXP4110 to restart and return to Idle.