Xerox ® DocuMate® 5445 / 5460User’s Guide59Scan ConfigurationsThe scan configurations are where you select the scanning resolution, brightness, mode (color, black & white, orgrayscale), and a number of other settings. To see a selected scan configuration’s settings, click its icon. Click theicon again to close the detailed information.Note: Use Configure Before Scan if you want to set the options manually before scanning. See Configure BeforeScan on page 72.Create a new configuration:• Click the New button to create a new configuration starting with the OneTouch default configuration settings.• Select a configuration in the list, then click on the Copy button to create a new configuration starting with thesettings of the currently selected configuration.Edit or delete a configuration:Select the scan configuration you want to edit or delete.• To delete the configuration, click the Delete button.• To edit the configuration, click the Edit button.Edit the settings and click OK.Note: Your scanner comes with a number of configurations pre-set at the factory. To ensure that your scanner willalways have a set of correct scan configurations, do not delete the pre-set configurations. We also recommend thatyou keep those configurations locked so they are not inadvertently deleted. That way, you will always have thefactory-settings available. If you do delete or edit them, and want to get the factory pre-sets back again, you willneed to uninstall then re-install your scanner.In the Scan Configuration Properties window, the Scan Settings, Page Settings, Advanced Settings, andRedaction Settings tabs are always available. When the Visioneer Acuity module is installed, the Acuity Settingstab will also be available for all destinations.Click the icon of aselected configuration toview its settings.Select the scanconfiguration to edit ordelete. It must beunlocked, as indicated bynot having a lockdisplayed here.