P r i n t e r P a r a m e t e r s a n d D e f a u l t S e t t i n g s3-24 ❖ D o c u P r i n t 4 5 1 2 / 4 5 1 2 N U s e r G u i d eDuplexPrinting MenuOff, OnWhen set to On, enables duplex (two-sided printing).Emulation†Job MenuPCL 5e, PS2, AUTO, HEX† Appears only when aPostScript option isinstalled.Sets the base printer emulation.Font NumberPrinting Menu0-45Sets the font number of the printer’s base font.The number varies according to how many fonts are installed on the printer.High SpeedConfig MenuOn, OffControls data transfer speed.This item should be set to Off for slower or older computers. Setting it to Onimproves data transfer speed.Manual SetConfig MenuOn, OffControls processing of manual feed request from computer application. When set toOff, causes paper to feed automatically from the paper tray even if the applicationrequests manual feed.MessageMisc MenuENGLISH, FRENCH,GERMAN, ITALIAN,PORTUG, RUSSIAN,SPANISHSets the language for the messages that display on the Control Panel.Page PJob MenuAUTO, OnControls how data is processed when DATA LOSS ERROR occurs.If printing speed is a consideration, more memory may be required to makeeffective use of this item.Table 3.6 Control Panel menu items, settings, and descriptions (continued)Menu Item,Location,Setting(s)DescriptionTable 3.6 Page 2 of 3