BASIC CONCEPTS2-2 XEROX DOCUPRINT 96/DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS FORMS CREATION GUIDEFontsFonts are character sets, each having a unique type style, type size,and orientation.Fixed and proportional spacing Fixed and proportionally spaced fonts are available for use on laserprinting systems. Each character occupies an area on the form calleda character cell. With fixed fonts, all character cells in the set are thesame width. With proportional fonts, character cells vary in width, asshown in figure 2-2.Figure 2-2. Character spacingBecause the length of a line printed with a proportional font isrelatively unpredictable, fixed fonts are used for variable data on areport to avoid overprinting forms data with variable data.Proportional fonts are normally used for forms data, that is, titles,headings, and so forth. A letter is an example of the use ofproportional fonts for variable data. The differences in width areillustrated in figure 2-3.Figure 2-3. Character spacing examplesFonts are available in various typefaces (for example, OCR andTitan), sizes, styles (for example, serif and sans serif), and weights(for example, medium and bold).Font orientation In addition to typeface, style, and size, the font can be defined by itsorientation:• Landscape• Portrait• Inverse landscape• Inverse portraitThe font orientation, as shown in figure 2-4, is relative to the physicalpage.