FORMS LAYOUT CONSIDERATIONSXEROX DOCUPRINT 96/DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS FORMS CREATION GUIDE 5-5Landscape pages Line density restrictions differ as a function of the mode (landscapeor portrait) of the form. An 8-point or smaller landscape font is smallerthan 32 dots for 300 spi and 64 dots for 600 spi. A vertical line is asingle dispatchable item. A horizontal line is treated as a series oflines that are 32 dots in length joined end-to-end.For 300 spi, this means that a form using an 8-point or smaller fonton a landscape page may have up to 318 characters (plus a two-itemoverhead, resulting in 320 dispatchable items) on a scan line. Whenusing a 6-point font, it is possible to have, for example, 132characters, a line across the page under the text, as well as 80 to 90vertical lines, without exceeding the line density limitations.If a form requires a 9-point or larger font, the number of charactersthat may be imaged on a landscape page is reduced to 160 becausethe characters are generally more than 32 dots wide. While thedispatchable-item count remains 320 per line, fonts 9 points andlarger use two dispatchable items per character. Since a character ina large font constitutes two dispatchable items, only half as manycharacters in a large font may be imaged on a scan line as is possiblewith a smaller font.Portrait pages Restrictions for a portrait page are significantly different from thosefor a landscape page because the system always images in alandscape direction. Therefore, if a page is formatted as a portraitpage, the hardware must take the time to reorganize the data intolandscape prior to imaging.Thus, for a 300-spi portrait page, this drops the dispatchable-itemcount below the 320-character level when a 12-point font is used.That is, with a 12-point font, a form may have not more than 160characters on a scan line.When using an 8-point 300-spi font on a portrait page, the maximumdispatchable-item count permitted is approximately 200 per scanline. This limit falls off gradually to 170 characters for a 6-point font,150 characters for a 5-point font, and 120 characters for a 4-pointfont.If printing at 600 spi, the same size character or length line has twiceas many dots.Page generation errorsGenerally, a form is imaged along with variable data. It is possible tocreate a form that prints correctly when sampled but cannot besuccessfully overlaid on certain variable data pages. The LPS maynot have enough time to merge a complex form with a large amountof variable data within the limits of the throughput environment. In thiscase, either the amount of variable data can be reduced, or the formsimplified. By reviewing the broken page, you can determine theapproximate location of the failure and try to reduce the number ofcharacters and lines in that area. It is important to recognize thatmost imaging problems are local density of information problemsrather than page-wide problems.