FORMS DESCRIPTION LANGUAGE3-38 XEROX DOCUPRINT 96/DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS FORMS CREATION GUIDELOGO commandPlacing logos A complex figure called a logo, up to two square inches in size, canbe digitized to order by the Xerox Font Center or Xerox Limited. Thislogo is a special font of one or more characters, which carries with itthe relative position of the characters to make up the logo. Thus,while a logo may be made up of many characters, it is positioned asa single unit. For additional flexibility, a signature may be digitizedand stored on the system as a logo.Note: Be sure that font memory capacity is not exceeded. Logoslarger than two square inches may be used if they are the result ofusing smaller components of the logo to gain the desired effect.Placement is accomplished with the following command:LOGO id AT y [unit] x [unit];The logo identifier (1 to 6 characters) is id.Example:LOGO EAGLE AT 10, 12;Sample FSL The LOGO command is typically inserted towards the end of the FSLas illustrated in figure 3-19.Figure 3-19. Placing a logoLOGO Keyword LOGOEAGLE The name of the logo, which is a one to sixalphanumeric character label, is assigned to the logowhen it is digitized by the Xerox Font Center or XeroxLimited.AT 10, 12 The keyword AT and the coordinates (y,x) indicatewhere the top left corner of the logo is to be placed.LOGO ORIGIN: - - - >HORIZONTAL TEXT USING FONT 2 IN CENTER CENTERBOX 6,1 ’DATE’;COMMENT *** PLACE LOGO ***;LOGO RABBIT AT 1,26;END;