FORMS DESCRIPTION LANGUAGEXEROX DOCUPRINT 96/DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS FORMS CREATION GUIDE 3-43COMMENT commandRecording comments It is frequently helpful to include comments in the source statementsto describe certain FDL commands and their functions. Thesecomments are useful when debugging your program, and can act asreminders if you, or someone else, modifies the FSL at a later time.When you use comments, they appear on the source statement only.They are not printed on your form nor do they affect the execution ofyour program.Enter the word COMMENT, then the text that describes thecommand or procedure, followed by a semicolon.Important: The semicolon must be inserted at the end of thecomment text, otherwise all of the following FDL commands areconsidered part of the comment text and are not executed. Allcomments up to the first semicolon encountered are ignored by theFDL compiler.The format of the comment command is:COMMENT text;Asterisks and or line spacing cause the COMMENT to stand out fromthe text.Example:COMMENT *** DRAW HORIZONTAL LINES ***;Sample FSL This sample illustrates a COMMENT that identifies the procedurethat is to follow:COMMENT *** PLACE SECTIONS ***;DO SECTION RSPNSE AT 0,0;DO SECTION RSPNSE AT 7,0;DO SECTION RSPNSE AT 14,0;Comment nesting /* begins a comment and */ ends a comment.Example:/* THIS IS THE START OF A NESTED COMMENT/* WHEN TWO ENDING COMBINATIONS ARE FOUND */THE COMMENT IS TERMINATED */A syntax error results if /* does not begin a comment, and */ does notend a comment. Each comment beginning (/*) and ending (*/) shouldbe followed by at least one space character.