FORMS DESCRIPTION LANGUAGE3-18 XEROX DOCUPRINT 96/DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS FORMS CREATION GUIDELINE commandSpecifying lines The LINE command specifies that one or more lines are to be drawnin the same direction. A LINE command defines the following:• Point at which the line begins (the AT location)• Direction of the line (HORIZONTAL or VERTICAL)• Length of the line (FROM location TO location)• Type of line (SOLID, BROKEN, DOTTED)• Thickness of the line (HAIRLINE, 0, 1, or 2)• Number of times the same line is to be drawn, either fromdifferent origins or at specified intervals from the initial origin.Use the following command format to specify lines:c o Number representing the displacement from the form origin of thefirst or only point of origin, expressed in grid units or linear units. Theremainder of the line command specifies the length andcharacteristics of a line to be drawn at this location.If a horizontal line is to be drawn, the co displacement is measuredon the y axis. If a vertical line is to be drawn, the c o displacement ismeasured on the x axis. For example, if c o is 6, a horizontal line isdrawn under the sixth character row.n Number of lines to be drawn (Default is 1)unit Unit of linear measurement, expressed as inches (IN), centimeters(CM), DOTS, or XDOTS. If a linear unit is specified following IN, theco parameter is assumed to be in the same units unless specifiedafter co . If units are not specified, the measurement is in grid units.c s Coordinate of the start of the line, measured on the x or y axis,depending on the direction of the line.