Installation1. Ihe machine and verify Ihe contents.. Power cord. Telephone cable* paper tray* Document WorkCenter 150 Literature kit- Prinler driver disk* Ink Csdridge* Telephone. Telephone Cradle* Printer CableThe parallel cable should be secured tocentronics connector on the machine with thewire clips.Ensure the PC is off and connect the orhatend of the cable to the parallel printer pod onthe PC.Insert one end cl the telephone cable Into theTelco line jack (inside jack) on the rear of lhemachine.lnserl the olher end of the telephone cableinlo the Telco wall jack.Connect the telephone to the telephone jack(outside jack) on Ihe rear of the machine.Use approximately 30 sheets of paper lo selthe green paper width adjuster so the paperguides are against Ihe sides cl Ihe paper.Remove the paper.Align the Iwo slots in the paper tray with thetabs on the rear ccve,. tnslatl the tray andr&de the fray toward the rear cl Ihe machlne.A lab on the rear of the tray wilt l&h the trayonto the cc”e610. Load paper as lollows.* Remove the clear cover lrom the tray.* Install sheets of paper into the tray.* Reinstall the clear cow c” the Plug the power cord info the machine.12. Plug the other end of the power cord inlo anon-switched, grounded cutlet.13. lnslall the ink cartridge as tottows.* Remove the carbtdge from Ihe box.l Peel oil the foil cover and vanwe thecartridge from the coNalner.l Remove the protecltve lab and the prolectivetape lrom the ink nozzle.* Ensure lhe carriage Is In lhe cenler position.If a cartridge Is tnslatled or the carriage isnot in the center position, press. Open the front cwer.. Putt the green lever loward the conlrct panel.. Pul the open stol cwr Ihe posl on thecarriage and install the ink cartridge.l Push the green lever toward the rear of themachine lo lock the cadridge.. Close the front cwer as you e”.s”re the gapadjust lever on Ihe printer lils into the nolchon the Ifont cover.Installation 91976-20