Manual Revision Symbols Model DistinctionRevision pages containing the latest serviceinformation~ will be sent to you so that you canupdate your service manual. When a partialrevision is distributed, the changes will beidentified on each page.TEXTText Black vedical bar al the beginning ofthe text for partial revisions.If different paris or actions exist because ofdifferent models, the model distinction (xxx) willidentify the appropriate part or action.Example 1). - - - xxx: The sequence is.Example 2) - - - The sequence is. (xxx).When a partial revision or a complete manualrevision is distributed, the changes will also beidentified as follows: Tag/MOD DistinctionPageManLLFllThe date of issue on the bottom ofeach page.An updated revision control list. Thislist will identify the latest date foreach page.TEXTIf different parts or actions exist because of amodification, the Tag/MOD number will identify theappropriate part or action.Examplel).-----------Tag/MODl: PWB...Example2) -----------PWBCTag/MODl)...Terminology and SymbolsThe following is the terminology and symbols thatare used in this manual for Warnings, ElectrostaticDevice or general Cautions, and Notes.Electra Static Discharge k,Certain components in this product are susceptibleto damage from electrostatic discharge. Observeall ESD procedures lo avoid component damage.WARNINGImproper operation may result in injury toa person.CAUTtONlmpmper operation may result in machinedamage.NOTE: Hinfs orofher information thatmay assist the LL%VAdditional Product Safety informationThe following is additional product safely, information for the Document WorkCenter 150.I CAUTIONThe Main P WE has a lithium baffery which isnot a spared item. If the Main PWB fails,relum the assembly to the Xerox premisesfor disposal in accordance wilh localregulations. DO NOT SHORT CIRCUIT THEBATTERY TERMINALS.Document WorkCenter 15012/96Y Introduction