Operation6-27Masking the charge codeEntering the masked charge codeThe charge code is a number that is sent on-line after the correspondent’s fax machinenumber. To add a charge code after entering the correspondent’s number:¾ Press the key to insert the "+" symbol after the number.¾ Type the charge code.Example:The charge code will always be hidden.The maximum length that can be entered is 24 characters. When dialing, only the digitsare sent on the line. The "+" symbol inserted is not sent. In the example above, thenumber 97380884440123 is dialed.If the equipment is connected to a private exchange (PABX), enter the prefix (numberused by your PABX to access the telephone network, for example 0), followed by a "/"(or pause by pressing F1 key).When a charge code is used, the transmission reports and the machine log printoutcontains the correspondent’s number followed by the charge code’s "+" symbol.Mail box (MBX FAX)There are 32 mailboxes (MBX). Transmit documents in complete confidence using anaccess code (named code MBX), to all subscribers equipped with a compatible fax.MBX 00 is public. It is handled directly by the machine to record the messages of thefax TAD as soon as this is enabled.MBX’s 01 to 31 are private. Each is password-protected. They can be used to receivedocuments confidentially.The use and access to MBX 01 - 31 are conditioned by the initialisation, defined by aMBX code (if needed) and a mnemonic (its S.I.D.).It is possible to:• modify the features of an MBX,TO:9738088444+****