4-8Setting the machine¾ With the keys or , modify the parameter settings by following the table belowand press OK.Parameter Setting Description1 - SCANNINGMODE1 - NORMAL2 - FINE3 - SFINE4 - PHOTODefault value of the scan mode resolution forthe documents to be transmitted.3 - TX SPEED 1 - 336002 - 144003 - 120004 - 96005 - 72006 - 48007 - 2400Transmission speed for outgoingdocuments.To ensure line quality, select the maximumspeed available.It may be necessary to restrict thetransmission speed for some calls.4 - ECHO PROTECT 1 - WITH2 - WITHOUTIf this parameter is on, the on-line echo willbe reduced during long distance calls.6 - EPT MODE 1 - WITH2 - WITHOUTFor some long distance calls (satellite), theon-line echo may disturb the call.7 - COM. DISPLAY 1 - SPEED2 - PAGENUMBERSChoose between displaying transmissionspeed or number of the page in progress.8 - ECO ENERGY 1 - WITHOU2 - DELAY 5 MIN3 - DELAY 15 MIN4 - DELAY 30 MIN5 - STDBYPERIODSChoose the machine standby delay: themachine will switch to standby after a period(in minutes) of inactivity.10 - RX HEADER 1 - WITH2 - WITHOUTIf this parameter is on, all documentsreceived by the fax will include the sender’sheader with their name, number (if available)fax print date and the page number.11 - RX SPEED 1 - 336002 - 144003 - 96004 - 48005 - 2400Transmission speed for incomingdocuments.To ensure line quality, select the maximumspeed available.It may be necessary to restrict thetransmission speed for some calls.12 - RINGS 2 to 5 Number of rings to automatically start themachine.13 - DISCARD Size 1 - WITH2 - WITHOUTDefines the threshold beyond which theextra lines are printed on a second page.Below this threshold, extra lines are deleted.20 - E.C.M. 1 - WITH2 - WITHOUTThis parameter helps correct the calls madeon bad telephone lines. It is used when thelines are weak or too noisy. Transmissiontimes may be longer.