6-10OperationTransmission waiting queueObtain a summary of all documents queuing, for transmission, including those indeposit or in delayed transmission, etc.• consult or modify the waiting queue. In this waiting queue the documents arecoded the following way:Order number in the queue / document status / subscriber’s telephone number.Documents may have the following status:- TX: transmission,- REL: relay,- DOC: in deposit,- POL: polling,- MBX: send to mailbox,- PMB: mailbox polling,- TR: ongoing commands,- CNX: Internet connection,- NET: Internet transmission,- SMS: SMS transmission,• immediately perform a transmission from the waiting queue,• print a document in storage, waiting to be transmitted or in deposit,• print the waiting queue, to get the status of each document in the queue, byeither:- queue order number,- document name or number,- scheduled transmission time (fax),- operation type regarding the document: transmission from memory, delayedtransmission, deposit,- number of pages of the document,- document size (percentage of space stored in memory),• cancel a transmission request in the waiting queue.Immediately perform transmission from the waiting queueM 61 OK - COMMANDS / PERFORM¾ Select the document in the waiting queue and press OK to confirm or toimmediately perform the selected transmission.