![Xerox WNA-100 User Manual Manual pdf 12 page image](https://manuals-archive2.s3.amazonaws.com/5801445/f81070bee4368ddb97c092a300a4bd7f12f.jpg)
Configuring the Adapter Using Your Web BrowserXerox WNA-100 Wireless Network Adapter2-4Configuring the Adapter Using Your Web BrowserA standard web browser like Internet Explorer or Safari must be used for first timeconfiguration of the adapter. The adapter must be connected directly to the PC or other hostusing the Ethernet crossover cable provided. Once the adapter and PC are connected together,follow these instructions to set up the adapter for your wireless network.Note: The factory default IP address for the adapter is Make sure your computer is configured to use a network address of 169.254.x.y tocommunicate with the adapter. For instance, the host computer can be set to the IP address169. Open your web browser.3. Type in your browser’s address/location bar.4. The Status page appears.Note: If the Status page does not appear in your browser window, then use the back panelReset button to reset the adapter back to factory defaults. Push the Reset button and holdfor 5 seconds. See Default (Reset Button) on page 1-5 for more information.See Troubleshooting Wireless Configuration Problems on page 3-2 for othertroubleshooting tips.5. Click on WEP Settings, WPA Settings, or Advanced Settings under the WirelessConfiguration folder in the left navigation panel.6. A Login Required screen appears. Enter the default password access, and then click theLog In button.Note: You will need to re-enter the password if a session times out after 5 minutes ofinactivity.7. The browser displays the screen you were trying to reach: WEP Settings, WPA Settings,or Advanced Settings. Configure the adapter to operate in your wireless environment.8. Click on any of the options under the TCP/IP Configuration folder in the left navigationpanel to configure them to operate in your Ethernet environment.Note: The factory default BOOTP/DHCP is Off. Resetting the adapter will also changethis feature to Off. If your network requires BOOTP/DHCP, or you need to use an IPaddress other than the one assigned, you will need to change those settings using thisdialog.9. Click on any of the options under the Administrative Utilities folder in the left navigationpanel to configure the passwords or other settings, if changes in these settings are needed.10. Click the Restart button in the Reset section of the Administrative Utilities page.