1.17U s e r G u i d eS Y S T E M S E T U P1System SetupThrough the System Setup menu on theLCD panel, you can change the following:• Ringer Volume (Off, Low, Medium,High)• Default settings for the following:• Quality: sets the default resolutionto Draft, Normal, or Best.• Lighten/darken: sets the defaultimage contrast to darken, normal,lighten, fax photo.• Reduce/Enlarge: sets the printedimage size. Default is 100%.Enter a smaller value to reduce(25%-99%), or a larger value toenlarge (101% - 400%). You canalso select Autofit (automaticallyfits the image to the paper size) orClone (fits multiple copies onone sheet).• Color/B&W: sets default printingmode to either Color or B&W(black and white)• Paper type: sets the default papertype to: Premium, Glossy,Transparency, Plain.• Wake-up Mode: Copy Mode. Thisis an automatic setting and can notbe changed by the user.• Sound control (Alarm Sound orKey Press Sound can be turned Offor On)• LCD panel language (English orFrench)Note: Whenever a document is sent orcopied the default contrast and resolutionmode will be activated unless otherwisechanged by using the Quality or Lighten/Darken button on the control panel.