7.7U s e r G u i d eL C D D I S P L A Y E R R O R M E S S A G E S7PAPER JAM Paper jammed insidethe unit.Press the Clear/Stop button and clear thejam. Refer to Paper Jams in this chapter.POLLING ERROR The remote FAXmachine you want topoll is not ready torespond to your poll.The remote operator should know inadvance that you are polling and havetheir FAX unit loaded with the originaldocument.POLL - CODEERRORWhen setting up to pollanother FAX machine,you have used anincorrect poll code.Verify and enter the correct poll code.SYSTEM ERROR Internal system errorsdetected.Look for obvious error conditions. If theproblem persists, power the machine offand on. Keep in mind that anydocuments in memory may be lost.NO ANSWER Did not detect a faxtone after all retryattempts.Check with the remote operator toensure the remote machine is workingproperly.LINE BUSY Remote line was busy. Try operation again or at a later time.SEND ERRORORRECEIVE ERRORErrors detected at thebeginning, during orend of thetransmission.This is normally caused by a poortelephone line connection. Try theoperation again, or try the operationfrom another telephone outlet.CHECK CARTRIDGE An error detected withthe ink cartridge.The ink cartridge(s) may not be correctfor the XK50cx. Check and reinstall orreplace cartridge.UNLOCK SCANNERTHEN PRESS STOPThe scanner lock tab isin the lock position.Unlock the scanner as described in theInstall Guide.L C D D i s p l a y M e a n i n g S o l u t i o n