6 Common Settings6.1 Function Disable Mode Function Setting6-4165988-1CDHW1481991Safety Board Operation6.1.1 Restrictions while Function Disable Mode Function is ValidRestrictions are set to the following operations while the function disablemode function is validated because this function also invalids monitoringoperations.When moving the manipulator or the external axis while the restrictionsare set, only the jog operation using the programming pendant isavailable. And an error occurs when trying to execute those operations.• Play back operation• Forward and Backward operations• Test-run operation• I/O Jog operation• Execution of motor gun auto tuningFollowing error codes are returned when executing the data transmissionor start commands of the high-speed Ethernet server, or when executingjobs of Motoplus or Pendant customization functions.Error 1191: Axis range limit function is temporarily disableError 1192: Robot range limit function is temporarily disableError 1193: Tool angle monitor function is temporarily disableError 1194: Tool change monitor function is temporarily disable3061: “Axis range limit function is temporarily disable”3062: “Robot range limit function is temporarily disable”3063: “Tool angle monitor function is temporarily disable”3064: “Tool change monitor function is temporarily disable”125 of 164