5 Teaching5-2174074-1CDHW0482711$B008 to 0. The system variable $B008 is 1 when the operation has been normally completed. FormatSYSTART CV#(1) STP=50.000 OL=10.0 Conveyor Condition File No. (CONVEYOR FILE)Set the conveyor condition data file No. to be used. Synchronization Start Position (SYNC START POS)Set the conveyor position where the synchronized operation starts. Tolerance (OVER LIMIT)Specify the maximum excess to execute the synchronized operation when the conveyorcurrent position value exceeds the synchronization start position value at the execution ofSYSTART instruction. Tolerance check will not be executed if setting is omitted orspecified at 0. Registering SYSTART InstructionThe system variable $B008 can not be directly referenced. Copy to the variable Bxxx byGETS instruction and refer.GETS B000 $B0008JUMP ∗NG IF B000 <1Operation Explanation1 Move the cursor to the line justabove the place where aSYSTART instruction is to beregistered.2 Press [INFORM LIST]. The instruction list dialog appears.NOTE0000 NOP0001 ’TEST0002 MOVJ VJ=50.000003 MOVJ VJ=12.500004 MOVL V=276.00005 TIMER T=1.000006 DOUT OT#(1) ON0007 WAIT IN#(1)=ON0008 DIN B010 IG#(10)=> SYSTART CV#(1) STP=0.000I N / O U TCONTROLDEVICEMOTIONARITHSHIFTSENSOROTHERSAMEPRIORSYSTARTSYENDShort CutJOB CONTENTJOB NAME: TESTCONTROL GROUP: R1JOB EDIT DISPLAY UTILITYMain MenuSTEP NO: 000TOOL: **46 of 86