8 Option: Deployment PROFIBUS communication8.1 Fast introductionFor the PROFIBUS communication the use of the optionally available extension moduleEM M09 is required. The extension module provides interface X2: MPI(PB) with fixed pinassignment.Ä Chapter 2.4 ‘Mounting’ on page 13 The PROFIBUS DP slave is to be con-figured in the hardware configurator from Siemens. Here the configuration happens bythe sub module X1 (MPI/DP) of the Siemens CPU.To switch the interface X2 MPI(PB) to PROFIBUS functionality you haveto activate the according bus functionality by means of a VSC storagemedia from VIPA. By plugging the VSC storage card and then an overallreset the according functionality is activated.Ä Chapter 4.15 ‘Deploy-ment storage media - VSD, VSC’ on page 79The configuration of the PROFIBUS DP slave should be done with the followingapproach:n Activating bus functionality by means of a VSCn Hardware configuration - CPUn Use as DP slave– With activating the bus functionality ‘PROFIBUS DP slave’ by means of a VSC,the bus functionality ‘PROFIBUS DP slave’ is unlocked.n Transfer of the entire project to the CPUWith the Siemens SIMATIC Manager, the CPU M13-CCF0000 from VIPAis to be configured asCPU 314C-2 PN/DP (314-6EH04-0AB0 V3.3)The PROFIBUS DP slave is to be configured and connected via the submodule X1 (MPI/DP).8.2 PROFIBUS communicationn PROFIBUS is an international standard applicable to an open and serial field bus forbuilding, manufacturing and process automation that can be used to create a low(sensor-/actuator level) or medium (process level) performance network of program-mable logic controllers.n PROFIBUS comprises an assortment of compatible versions. The following detailsrefer to PROFIBUS DP.n PROFIBUS DP is a special protocol intended mainly for automation tasks in a manu-facturing environment. DP is very fast, offers Plug'n'Play facilities and provides a cost-effective alternative to parallel cabling between PLC and remote I/O. PROFIBUS DPwas designed for high-speed data communication on the sensor-actuator level.n The data transfer referred to as "Data Exchange" is cyclical. During one bus cycle,the master reads input values from the slaves and writes output information to theslaves.For the deployment in a super-ordinated master system you first have to project yourslave system as Siemens CPU in slave operation mode with configured in-/output areas.Afterwards you configure your master system. Couple your slave system to your mastersystem by dragging the CPU 31x from the hardware catalog at Configured stations ontothe master system, choose your slave system and connect it.OverviewSteps of configurationPROFIBUS DPDP slave operationVIPA System MICRO Option: Deployment PROFIBUS communicationPROFIBUS communicationHB400 | CPU | M13-CCF0000 | en | 16-47 169