There is the possibility to enable the option ‘Test, commissioning, routing’ in the hard-ware configuration by means of the properties dialog of the PROFIBUS via the register‘Operating mode’ at ‘DP slave’ . The activation affects as follows:n The PROFIBUS interface gets an "active" PROFIBUS node, this means it is involvedin the token rotation.n Via this interface you have PG/OP functions (programming, status request, control,test).n The PROFIBUS interface serves as a gateway (S7 routing).n The bus rotation time can exceed.When disabled, the PROFIBUS interface operates as a server for communication serv-ices with the following characteristics:n The PROFIBUS interface gets an "passive" PROFIBUS node, this means it is notinvolved in the token rotation.n Via this interface you have PG/OP functions (programming, status request, control,test).n The speed of the PG/OP functions is limited.n Bus rotation time is not influenced.n S7 routing is not possible.8.3 PROFIBUS communication via extension module EM M099pin SubD jack: (isolated)The interface supports the following functionalities, which are switch able by an hardwareconfiguration:n MPI (default / after overall reset)The MPI interface serves for the connection between programming unit and CPU. Bymeans of this the project engineering and programming happens. In addition MPIserves for communication between several CPUs or between HMIs and CPU.Standard setting is MPI address 2.n PROFIBUS DP slave (option)The PROFIBUS slave functionality of this interface can be activated by configuringthe sub module ‘MPI/DP’ of the CPU in the hardware configuration.The activation of the PROFIBUS functionality of the extension module EM M09 happenswith the following proceeding:1. Turn off the power supply.2. Mount the extension module.Ä Chapter 2.4 ‘Mounting’ on page 13Operating mode DP slave:Test, commissioning,routing (active/passive)X2 MPI(PB)Enable PROFIBUS func-tionalityVIPA System MICROOption: Deployment PROFIBUS communicationPROFIBUS communication via extension module EM M09HB400 | CPU | M13-CCF0000 | en | 16-47170