5.3.2 Analog value representationResolu-tionAnalog value - twos complementHigh byte (byte 0) Low byte (byte 1)Bit number 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0Value SG 214 213 212 211 210 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 2011Bit+sign SG Measuring value X* X* X* X**) The lowest value irrelevant bits of the output value (0) are marked with "X".Here it is essential:n Bit 15 = "0": à positive valuen Bit 15 = "1": à negative valueAs soon as a measured value exceeds the overdrive region respectively falls below theunderdrive region, the following value is issued:n Measuring value > end of overdrive region:32767 (7FFFh)n Measuring value < end of underdrive region:-32768 (8000h)At a parameterization error the value 32767 (7FFFh) is issued.When leaving the defined range during analog output 0V respectively 0A is issued.0 ... 10VMeasuring range Voltage(U)Decimal(D)Hex Range Formulas0 ... 10V > 11.759V 32767 7FFFh overflowD: decimal valueU: voltage value11.759V 32511 7EFFh overdrive range10V 27648 6C00h nominal range5V 13824 3600h0V 0 0000h-0.8V -2212 F75Ch underdrive range< -0.8V -32768 8000h underflowNumber representation inSiemens S7 formatSign bit (SG)Behavior at errorVoltage measurementVIPA System MICRODeployment I/O peripheryAnalog input > Analog value representationHB400 | CPU | M13-CCF0000 | en | 16-4788