25FT-8800R Operating ManualDISPLAY BRIGHTNESSThe FT-8800R display illumination has been specially engineered to provide high visibil-ity with minimal disruption of your “night vision” while you are driving. The brightness ofthe display is manually adjustable, using following procedure:1. Press the [SET] key momentarily to enter the Set mode.2. Rotate the “Main” band DIAL knob to select Menu #9 (DIMMERDIMMERDIMMERDIMMERDIMMER).3. Press the “Main” band DIAL knob momentarily, then rotate the “Main” band DIALknob to select a comfortable brightness level: DIM 1DIM 1DIM 1DIM 1DIM 1, DIM 2DIM 2DIM 2DIM 2DIM 2, DIM 3DIM 3DIM 3DIM 3DIM 3, or DIM.OFFDIM.OFFDIM.OFFDIM.OFFDIM.OFF (noillumination).4. Press and hold in the “Main” band DIAL knob for 1/2 second to save the new settingand exit to normal operation.BAND LINKINGFor operation on Amateur satellites which use a “normal” (not “inverted”) FM transponder,the Band Link feature may be useful.1. Press the [SET] key momentarily to enter the Set mode.2. Rotate the “Main” band DIAL knob to select Menu #43 (VFO.TRVFO.TRVFO.TRVFO.TRVFO.TR).3. Press the “Main” band DIAL knob momentarily, then rotate the “Main” band DIALknob to change the setting to “ONONONONON.”4. Press and hold in the “Main” band DIAL knob for 1/2 second to save the new settingand exit to normal operation.As you rotate the “Main” band DIAL, you will observe that both bands’ frequencies arechanging together. When you are done with this operating mode, select “OFFOFFOFFOFFOFF” in step 3above.ADVANCED O PERATION