FTA-720 OperATing MAnuAl 29Vor naVIgatIon (aIr Band)“TO” - “FROM” Flag IndicatorCOURSE Indicator(Assigned the “XFER” feature)To Select the VOR Mode When entering the NAV band (108.000 - 117.975MHz), the FTA-720 selects the VOR mode automat-ically. The “Course Indicator” will appear on the dis-play, and the “TO” or “FROM” indicator will appearat the right of the “Course Indicator” on the display.Note: The “C ourse I ndICator” indicates “- - -°”when either your aircraft is too far away from theVOR station or if the frequency is not correctly setto that of the VOR station. Conversely, the “CourseIndicator” will indicate “Loc” when receiving alocalizer channel. The FTA-720 cannot decode alocalizer signal. The “TO” or “FROM” flag indicators indicate wheth-er the VOR navigation information is based on acourse leading to the VOR station or leading awayfrom the VOR station. To change the flag from “TO” to “FROM” or viceversa, press the key followed by the key orkey, respectively. The (small) frequency indication may be toggled todisplay using larger characters (but “C ourse I ndI-Cator” and “TO”/“FROM” flag are reduced in size),if you assign the “XFER” feature to the key. Seepage 40 for details.