FTDX9000 TFT OPERATION MANUALCONFIG S ETTINGUp to five users may be registered into the Logbook. For use in a contest or otherwise, the settings for eachoperator may be stored for later recall when that operator signs on. The operator’s identification may be enteredinto the NAME column; both the name and callsign may be entered..1. Referring to Figure 2 on page 23, press the[F6](CONFIG) key, then the [F1]() / [F2]() keysto utilize the “SELECT USER” function.2. When you want to register a new user, or changethe name of an existing user, press the [F5](NAMEEDIT) key and input the call sign and/or other in-formation.3. Press the [F5](NAME EDIT) key.4. Press the [F6](CONFIG) key to engage the“CONFIG SETTING” mode, then use the key-board’s arrow keys to navigate to the neededfields.Please see the discussion below for details of the“CONFIG SETTING” mode.5. Press the [F5](RECORD) key to register.If you want to un-do the registration, press[F6](UN-RECORD) key.Advice: If no special entry is performed, the log willregister you as “USER1.”LOG B OOK F UNCTION“USER SELCT” MODE“USER EDIT” MODEPage 24