FTDX9000 TFT OPERATION MANUALQuick Point: In the Step 2, before doing a check for a duplicate QSO, a copy is made of the QSO record, andyou may then do editing of that record. Use the [F1](), [F2](), [F3](), and [F4]() keys to select an itemfrom among CALL, RST, BAND, MODE and REM; when you press [F5](ONLY THIS), you’ll copy only that item.When you press [F7](EXIT), the TFT image changes to what you see on page ??; press [ENTER] on thekeyboard to do a duplicate check, and press [ENTER] once more to return to the log input page and copy thedata.If you select a line of data using the [F1]() and [F2]() keys, pressing [F6](ALL SELECT) followed by[F7](ENTER) will cause the TFT image to change to what you see on page ??, and you may now press the[ENTER] key on the keyboard to do a duplicate check. Press [ENTER] once more to return to the log input pageand copy the data to that page (however, the NUMBER, RST, BAND, and MODE data will not be copied).LOG B OOK F UNCTION1. Referring to Figure 1 on page 23, press the[F1]()/[F2]() key to select the log data to beEditing.2. Now you may ue the arrow keys on your keyboardto move the highlighted area through the log.3. Use the keyboard to change data within the cur-rently-highlighted area.4. Press the [F4](RECORD) key when you are fin-ished editing the entries you have worked on.If you do not wish to save your changes, pressthe [F5](UN-RECORD) key instead.Advice: Data may easily be deleted, if you make amistake, enter duplicate data accidentally, etc.To erase data, use steps (1) and (2) to select thedata to be erased. Then press [ESC] on the keyboard;the data will be deleted. Press [F4] (RECORD) toreturn to the screen depicted on page ?? and endthis procedure.“EDITING” MODEPage 27LOG B OOK P REVIOUS -QSO C HECK (CHECK)IIt is possible to check the log in search for previous QSOs with a particular station. When a log entry of interestis found, you may edit the information on that line, if you like.1. Referring to the Figure 2 on page 23, enter thedesired callsign into the CALL field.2. Press the [F4](CHECK) key to show a list of anyprevious QSOs with the specified station withinthe current log. Any previous QSOs will appearon a CHECK MODE list.3. Use the [F1](), [F2](), [F3](), and [F4]()keys to scroll through the data on the CHECKMODE list.“PREVIOUS-QSO CHECK” MODEEDITING L OG B OOK E NTRIESPreviously-entered log data may be edited alter, if desired.