FTDX9000 TFT OPERATION MANUALMANUAL MODEIt is possible to operate/control the rotator manually. If the other station’s location has been entered, the locationof the other station and yours will be connected with a line on the Great Circle Map, and you can rotate theantenna manually to the direction of the other station.GREAT CIRCLE MAP / ROTATOR CONTROL FUNCTIONMANUAL OPERATIONUse the [F2](CCW) key to rotate the antenna coun-terclockwise, or the [F3](CW) key to cause clockwiserotation of your antenna.MANUAL OPERATION1. Press the [F4](MODE) key, as necessary, to se-lect the “PRESET” or “MANUAL” mode. The modeis indicated in the middle of the TFT display.2. Press the [F7](MAP) key to display the GreatCircle Map on the screen. If you know the approxi-mate location of the country of the other station,rotate your antenna by looking the map and rotat-ing the antenna in the appropriate direction.3. If you want to display a station on the Great CircleMap, start by pressing the [F1](ZONE) key; theWorld Map’s zones will be displayed.Select the Zone of the other station by pressingthe [F1](), [F2](), [F3](), and [F4]() keys,then press the [F7](SELECT) key momentarily.The list of the countries in the selected Zone willbe shown.Select the country name of the other station bypressing the [F1](), [F2](), [F3](), and [F4]()keys, then press the [F7](SELECT) key momen-tarily.Now, the list of the city names within the selectedcountry will appear, and you will need to selectone of the city names by pressing [F1](), [F2](),[F3]( ), and [F4]( ) keys. Now press the[F7](SELECT) key .Note; in some countries, there may be only onecity in the country; select that one city anyway.4. Automatically the screen will revert to the GreatCircle Map, and the location of the other stationwill plotted on the map, connected by a line toyour location via the short path.5. Use the [F2](CCW) and [F3](CW) keys to rotateyour antenna system to the direction just plottedon the TFT.“REGULAR COMPASS” DISPLAY“GREAT CIRCLE MAP” DISPLAYPage 36