Operation33again.NOTE: When the engine is cold, it needs to bewarmed up. For further information, seepage 33. If the engine is warm and fails to start,open the throttle slightly and try to start theengine again. If the engine still fails tostart, see page 60.EMU27670Warming up engineEMU27702Electric start and prime start models1. After starting the engine, allow it to idlefor 3 minutes to warm up. Failure to doso will shorten engine life.2. Check for a steady flow of water from thecooling water pilot hole.CAUTION:ECM00511A continuous flow of water from the cool-ing water pilot hole shows that the waterpump is pumping water through the cool-ing passages. If water is not flowing outof the hole at all times while the engine isrunning, overheating and serious dam-age could occur. Stop the engine andcheck whether the cooling water inlet onthe lower case or the cooling water pilothole is blocked. Consult your Yamahadealer if the problem cannot be locatedand corrected.EMU27740ShiftingWARNINGEWM00180Before shifting, make sure there are noswimmers or obstacles in the water nearyou.CAUTION:ECM00220To change the boat direction or shiftingposition from forward to reverse or vice-versa, first close the throttle so that theengine idles (or runs at low speeds).EMU27763Forward (tiller handle and remotecontrol models)Tiller control models1. Place the throttle grip in the fully closedposition.2. Move the gear shift lever quickly andZMU03391