Trouble Recovery66NOTE:When the engine does not start with this pro-cedure, see page 66.EMU29670Engine fails to operateEMU29704Cold engine fails to startIf the engine fails to start when it is cold, usethe following procedure.WARNINGEWM00410When starting or operating the engine, donot touch the ignition coil, spark plugwire, spark plug cap, or other electricalparts carrying high voltage. Keep looseclothing and other objects away from theengine when starting it. Do not touch theflywheel or other moving parts when theengine is running.1. Adjust the trim angle so that the driveshaft is at right angles to the water sur-face or is trimmed in.2. On models equipped with an emergencystarter valve, open it. The valve is locat-ed behind the silencer cover on the frontof the engine.3. Squeeze the primer pump two or threetimes to feed fuel.4. Open the throttle slightly without shiftingusing the throttle grip, neutral throttle le-ver or free accelerator. It is necessary tochange the throttle opening slightly de-pending on the engine temperature. Af-ter the engine starts, return the throttle toits original position.5. Turn the main switch to “ ” (on).ZMU03141OPENCLOSEZMU03142NZMU03143ON STARTOFFZMU03144