General information6the power-driven vessel, the power-driv-en vessel has the right-of-way.2. Sailing vessels should keep clear of anyfishing vessel.3. In a narrow channel, a sailing vesselshould not hamper the safe passage ofa power-driven vessel which can navi-gate only in such a channel.Reading buoys and other markersThe waters of the United states are markedfor safe navigation by the lateral system ofbuoyage. Simply put, buoys and markershave an arrangement of shapes, colors,numbers and lights to show which side of thebuoy a boater should pass on when navigat-ing in a particular direction. The markings onthese buoys are oriented from the perspec-tive of being entered from seaward (the boat-er is going towards the port). This means thatred buoys are passed on the starboard(right) side when proceeding from open wa-ter into port, and black buoys are to port (left)side. When navigating out of port, your posi-tion with respect to the buoys should be re-versed; red buoys should be to port andblack buoys to starboard.Many bodies of water used by boaters areentirely within the boundaries of a particularstate. The Uniform State Waterway MarkingSystem has been devised for these waters.This system uses buoys and signs with dis-tinctive shapes and colors to show regulato-ry or advisory information. These markersare white with black letters and orangeboarders. They signify speed zones, restrict-ed areas, danger areas, and general infor-mation.Remember, markings may vary by geo-graphic location. Always consult local boat-ing authorities before driving your boat inunfamiliar waters.