Specifications and requirements17EMU25694Battery requirementsEMU25713Specifications of BatteryUse a fully charged battery that meets thefollowing specifications. The engine cannotbe started if battery voltage is too low.NOTICEECM01061Do not use a battery that does not meetthe specified capacity. If a battery thatdoes not meet specifications is used, theelectric system could perform poorly orbe overloaded, causing electric systemdamage.EMU36290Mounting batteryMount the battery holder securely in a dry,well-ventilated, vibration-free location in theboat. WARNING! Do not put flammableitems, or loose heavy or metal objects inthe same compartment as the battery.Fire, explosion or sparks could result.[EWM01820]EMU36300Multiple batteriesTo connect multiple batteries, such as formultiple engine configurations or for an ac-cessory battery, consult your Yamaha dealerabout battery selection and correct wiring.EMU41600Propeller selectionNext to selecting an outboard motor, select-ing the right propeller is one of the most im-portant purchasing decisions a boater canmake. The type, size, and design of your pro-peller have a direct impact on acceleration,top speed, fuel economy, and even enginelife. Yamaha designs and manufactures pro-pellers for every Yamaha outboard motorand every application.Your Yamaha dealer can help you select theright propeller for your boating needs. Selecta propeller that will allow the engine to reachthe middle or upper half of the operatingrange at full throttle with the maximum boat-load. Generally, select a larger pitch propel-ler for a smaller operating load and a smallerpitch propeller for a heavier load. If you carryloads that vary widely, select the propellerthat lets the engine run in the proper rangefor your maximum load but remember thatyou may need to reduce your throttle settingto stay within the recommended enginespeed range when carrying lighter loads.Yamaha recommends to use a propeller suit-able for the “Shift Dampener System (SDS)”.For further information, consult your Yamahadealer.To check the propeller, see page 85.Minimum cold cranking amps(CCA/SAE):680 AMinimum marine cranking amps(MCA/ABYC):770 AMinimum reserve capacity (RC/SAE):160 minutes1. Propeller pitch in inchesZMU05937-31 2