52OperationEMU36381First-time operationEMU40510Filling engine oilThe outboard motor is shipped from the fac-tory without engine oil. If your Yamaha deal-er did not fill the engine with engine oil, youmust fill the engine before starting it.NOTICE: Make sure that the engine isfilled with engine oil before operating theoutboard motor for the first time. Other-wise, the engine could be damaged se-verely. [ECM02240]The following sticker, which is affixed to theoutboard motor when it is shipped from thefactory, should be removed after the engineis filled with engine oil for the first time. Formore information on checking the engine oillevel, see page 54.EMU30174Breaking in engineYour new engine requires a period of break-in to allow mating surfaces of moving parts towear in evenly. Correct break-in will help en-sure proper performance and longer enginelife. NOTICE: Failure to follow the break-inprocedure could result in reduced enginelife or even severe engine damage. [ECM00801]EMU41222Procedure for breaking in engineYour new engine requires a period of 10hours break-in so that mating surfaces ofmoving parts wear in evenly.Operate the engine in the water under load(in gear with a propeller installed) for 10hours as follows. When breaking in the en-gine, avoid extended idling, rough water, andcrowded areas.1. For the 1st hour of operation:Operate the engine at varying speeds upto 2000 r/min or approximately 1/2 throt-tle.2. For the 2nd hour of operation:Increase the engine speed until the boatis on plane (but avoid full-throttle opera-tion), and then back off on the throttlewhile keeping the boat at a planingspeed.3. For the remaining 8 hours of operation:Operate the engine at any speed. How-ever, avoid operating at full throttle formore than 5 minutes at a time.4. After the 1st 10 hours of operation:Operate the engine normally.EMU36400Getting to know your boatDifferent boats handle differently. Operatecautiously while you learn how your boathandles under different conditions and withdifferent trim angles (see page 64).EMU36413Checks before starting engineWARNINGEWM01921If any item in “Checks before starting en-gine” is not working properly, have it in-spected and repaired before operatingthe outboard motor. Otherwise, an acci-dent could occur.NOTICEECM00120Do not start the engine out of water. Over-heating and serious engine damage canZMU01710