E3-9304042902061902025EMU01147STARTING ENGINEw8 Before starting the engine, make surethat the boat is tightly moored and thatyou can steer clear of any obstructions.Be sure there are no swimmers in thewater near you.8 When the air vent screw is loosened,gasoline (petrol) vapor will be released.Gasoline (petrol) is highly flammable,and its vapors are flammable andexplosive. Refrain from smoking, andkeep away from open flames andsparks while loosening the air ventscrew.8 This product emits exhaust gaseswhich contain carbon monoxide, a col-orless, odorless gas which may causebrain damage or death when inhaled.Symptoms include nausea, dizziness,and drowsiness. Keep cockpit andcabin areas well ventilated. Avoidblocking exhaust outlets.1) If there is an air vent screw on the fueltank cap, loosen it 2 or 3 turns.2) If there is a fuel joint on the motor,firmly connect the fuel line to thejoint. Then firmly connect the otherend of the fuel line to the joint on thefuel tank.NOTE:During engine operation place the tankhorizontally, or fuel cannot be drawn intothe engine.3) Squeeze the primer bulb with the out-let end up until you feel it becomefirm.902053