E3-18EMU01412TRIMMING OUTBOARDMOTORThe trim angle of the outboard motorhelps determine the position of the bowof the boat in the water. The correct trimangle will help improve performance andfuel economy while reducing strain on theengine. The correct trim angle dependsupon the combination of boat, engine,and propeller. Correct trim is also affectedby variables such as the load in the boat,sea conditions, and running speed.wExcessive trim for the operating condi-tions (either trim up or trim down) cancause boat instability and can makesteering the boat more difficult. Thisincreases the possibility of an accident. Ifthe boat begins to feel unstable or is hardto steer, slow down and/or readjust thetrim angle.NOTE:Refer to the section “ADJUSTING TRIMANGLE” for instructions on usage.1 Trim operating angle000910q