4-34EEMU00409MOTOR EXTERIOREMU00410Cleaning the Outboard MotorAfter use, wash the exterior of the outboardwith fresh water. Flush the cooling systemwith fresh water.NOTE:@Refer to Flushing Cooling System instruc-tions in “TRANSPORTING AND STORINGOUTBOARD MOTOR”.@EMU00412Checking Painted Surface of MotorCheck the motor for scratches, nicks, or flak-ing paint. Areas with damaged paint aremore likely to corrode. If necessary, cleanand paint the areas. A touch-up paint isavailable from a Yamaha dealer.EMU00413COATING THE BOAT BOTTOMA clean hull improves boat performance. Theboat bottom should be kept as clean ofmarine growths as possible. If necessary, theboat bottom can be coated with an anti-foulingpaint approved for your area to inhibit marinegrowth.Do not use anti-fouling paint which includescopper or graphite. These paints can causemore rapid engine corrosion.